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Why Healthcare Costs so Much

By Layla Schneider

In the United States it’s no secret that healthcare is expensive, as is health insurance.

Most Americans rely on health insurance to cover health expenses, but more than 112 million struggle to pay for health care. On average Americans pay $539 a month for health care.

The federal government plays apart in healthcare, as over the past half century they've established Medicare and Medicaid to try and ensure the greater population of America has access to insurance covered for healthcare.

There’s different health insurance companies, each company has different rates and plans. However, at each company there is a rate that everyone who does their health insurance through that company must pay. Everyone who goes through the same insurance company must pay the same rate. If one person has cancer and the other doesn’t, the insurance company will give more money to cover the person who has cancer medical bills and give less money to cover the completely healthy person’s bills because they don’t need as much coverage as the person with cancer. Health insurance rates go up the more sick people there are.

Many healthcare physicians and surgeons are paid very high salaries, because of this, this is one of the many reasons why hospital and doctors visit bills are so high. Machines and Equipment used in medical procedures can raise the prices of healthcare because it’s so expensive to make and use these machines. The high expenses of healthcare, cause health insurance to be expensive because the healthcare has to be paid for somehow.

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