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  • pattyforeman87

The Mystery of Ohio’s Loveland Frog

On an unnamed road in May of 1955, a salesman was traveling out of the Branch Hill neighborhood in Miami township, when he looked to the side of the road and noticed there were three figures standing three to four feet tall with leather skin and frog faces. These are the creatures that would be spread down generation to generation known as the Loveland Frog, however this legend didn’t spread much until 1972 when Ray Shockey, a local police officer was driving at 1 AM and saw the same creature run off into a nearby river.

Two weeks after this event, a second local police officer, Mark Matthew, saw a similar creature in the road, however, this time the police officer shot the creature and took it to show Officer Shockey and after examination, Officer Matthew revealed that the creature causing the scare in the area, was just a large tailless iguana all along. Officer Shockey later confirmed that the animal Officer Matthew brought back was what he saw.

Despite the case being solved, there have still been multiple pieces of media written about the creature. The novel The Man From Primrose Lane and even a play have both featured variations of the loveland frog. So even though the Loveland Frog turned out to just be a tailless iguana, it still managed to make an impact on the culture of Ohio.

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