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  • pattyforeman87

Mr. Sierawski

This is Mr. Sierawski, a new teacher here at Harding High School that loves making people laugh and helping kids. He is 26 and teaches algebra 1 and geometry. Mr. Sierawski loves the diversity and wants to “be a part of change in the culture.”

He sees so much potential in Harding and the students here, and dreams of “making an impact on people that’ll last longer than my lifetime” which is one of the big reasons he became a teacher, as it was definitely not for the money. He realized teaching was what really made him happy, saying “I had this epiphany where I realized it's not about how much money you make but rather doing what makes you happy, so that's basically why I wanted to be a teacher.”

After talking to one of his students, it's very true that he makes a personal connection with the classes he teaches and is a math teacher everyone needs.

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